Hi! I’m Phyllis and I graduated in 2020 from the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, with an undergraduate degree in Architecture. In my second year of studying I began to experiment with making models out of clay, from there I fell in love with the whole process! After graduating, I wanted to see how far I could take my ceramics and from there Phyllos Ceramics was born.
For the full story on how I came up with the name Phyllos Ceramics, visit the page ‘Our Story’ but, in short, I began researching into an octopus city that was discovered just off the east coast of Australia. The research found that one random shiny object was the initial settling place for a community of octopuses. The city grew larger over time as the octopuses were able to cohabitate, an anomaly compared to the solitude in which they normally live. This object, scientists believe, was enough to “seed” the site, in the same way a single object can seed the growth of a crystal. Due to the fact that nobody knows what the shiny object is, I began to imagine and design my own version of the shiny object. Eventually, I named it ‘Phyllos’ which translates in Greek to ‘a friend of Phyllis’.
It is my hope that with every piece bought from my shop, you will gain a new friend. Just as an octopus was able to grow its own community, from a single starting piece.
Instagram: @phyllosceramics